Welcome to Nestor Falls School 

Orange Shirt Day is a day to acknowledge and support Residential school survivors. We invite and encourage students and staff to wear an orange shirt on Friday, September 29. Students will engage in age appropriate activities.  

Believe it * Achieve it Dream it

Jump Start    OverDrive   School Cash Online

What's Happening



We are sharing the Health Unit's protocol for what to do if a child has symptoms of illness. Please click on the link below.

Child with Symptoms 

photo opens M O E website in new window

School Timetable

8:35 Arrival/Transition
8:35 First Block Begins
10:15 First nutrition Break
10:35 Recess
11:00 Bell
11:00 Second Block Begins
12:40 Second Nutrition Break
1:00 Recess
1:25 Bell
1:25 Third Block Begins
3:05 Dismissal

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